Mathematics Department Philosophy
In accordance with the school philosophy, the Bishop Kelly High School Mathematics Department will provide students with the opportunity to develop a full range of cognitive abilities. Mathematics instruction will focus on empowering individuals with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to succeed at the postsecondary level of education or in the workplace. Students will recognize and communicate mathematics in a variety of concrete, visual, verbal, and pictorial formats and be led to understand, integrate, and utilize technological facilities and resources in appropriate, creative, and thoughtful ways. All students will be exposed to mathematics as a powerful and useful tool in their lives, in the pursuit of knowledge in other subject areas and their careers.
To meet these objectives, the mathematics curriculum at Bishop Kelly High School will offer a traditional course sequence of Algebra, Geometry, and Algebra 2, followed by six elective math courses available to students who advance beyond what is required for graduation. Along with ensuring students master skills and concepts, courses will continue to prepare students for standardized tests such as the MAP, PSAT, SAT and ACT. Additional math credits earned above the required six credits will count towards elective graduation credits.
Incoming students will complete a placement test. Teacher recommendations and previous coursework may also be considered for course selection.
Grade Levels: 9, 10
Prerequisite: Pre-Algebra or Math 8 / D or below in Integrated Course/ No previous Algebra 1
First Semester 30010A (S1) AND Second Semester 30010B (S2)
Two Semester Required (FY)
Algebra 1 students will master order of operations, expressions, equations, inequalities, linear functions and systems. They will be introduced to exponential functions, polynomial operations and quadratic functions. All topics will be examined with an emphasis on descriptive, numerical, tabular and graphical representations. The emphasis throughout is on building a strong foundation of math and algebra skills that are imperative for success in future math courses. A Ti-84 calculator is required for this course.
Grade levels: 9-10
Prerequisite: A or B in Pre-Algebra or Math 8
First Semester 30015A (S1) AND Second Semester 30015B (S2)
Two Semester Required (FY)
Accelerated Algebra 1 is a faster-paced, and more in-depth look at Algebra 1. In this course, students will master the order of operations, expressions, equations, inequalities, linear functions and systems. They will be introduced to exponential functions, polynomial operations, quadratic functions and rational expressions. All topics will be examined with an emphasis on descriptive, numerical, tabular and graphical representations. The emphasis throughout is on building a strong foundation of math and algebra skills that are imperative for success in future math courses. A Ti-84 calculator is required for this course. Accelerated Algebra 1 is not a weighted course.
Grade Levels 9, 10, 11
Prerequisite: Algebra
First Semester 30035A (S1) AND Second Semester 30035B (S2)
Two Semester Required (FY)
This Geometry course is a comprehensive look at the study of geometric concepts including the basic elements of geometry, proofs, parallel and perpendicular lines, transformations of geometric figures in the coordinate plane, relationships in triangles, congruence and similarity of figures, right triangles and trigonometry, quadrilaterals, polygons, surface area, volume and circles. Some selected topics of review from Algebra will also be included. A TI-84 calculator is required for this course.
Grade Levels: 9, 10, 11
Prerequisite: A in Algebra 1 or equivalent with quadratics
First Semester 30039A (S1) AND Second Semester 30039B (S2)
Two Semester Required (FY)
Accelerated Geometry is a faster-paced, and more in-depth look at Geometry. It is also a comprehensive look at the study of geometric concepts including the basic elements of geometry, proofs, parallel and perpendicular lines, transformations of geometric figures in the coordinate plane, relationships in triangles, congruence and similarity of figures, right triangles and trigonometry, quadrilaterals, polygons, surface area, volume, and circles. Accelerated Geometry will cover more selected topics from Algebra 1 than the traditional Geometry course. A TI-84 calculator is required for this course. Accelerated Geometry is not a weighted course.
Grade Levels: 9, 10, 11, 12
Prerequisite: Algebra 1/Accelerated Algebra and Geometry/Accelerated
First Semester 30020A (S1) AND Second Semester 30020B (S2)
Two Semester Required (FY)
Algebra 2 will emphasize facility with algebraic expressions and forms – especially linear, quadratic and polynomial forms, powers, and roots along with functions based on these concepts. Students will study logarithmic, trigonometric, polynomial and special functions both for their abstract properties and as tools for modeling real world situations. Emphasis will be placed on understanding and facility with problem solving techniques. Graphing calculators and their appropriate practical uses are incorporated into the course. TI-84 calculators are required for this course.
Grade Levels: 9, 10, 11, 12
Prerequisite: A in Algebra 1/Accelerated Algebra 1 and Geometry/Accelerated
First Semester 30060A (S1) AND Second Semester 30060B (S2)
Two Semester Required (FY)
The content of the course includes all topics from Algebra 2, presented from a more abstract and theoretical standpoint. Students should be most able in mathematics. Additional time will be spent studying topics from Probability and Statistics, Conics, Sequences and Series, Discrete Math and Limits. Emphasis will be placed on understanding and facility with problem solving techniques. Graphing calculators and their appropriate practical uses are incorporated into the course. TI-84 calculators are required for this course.
Grade Levels: 11, 12
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Algebra 1 and Geometry, and teacher/counselor recommendation
First Semester 30025A (S1) AND Second Semester 30025B (S1)
Two Semester Required (FY)
Foundations of Algebra 2 will emphasize facility with algebraic expressions and forms – especially linear, quadratic and polynomial forms, powers, and roots along with functions based on these concepts. Students will study logarithmic, trigonometric, polynomial and special functions both for their practical applications and as tools for modeling real world situations. Emphasis will be placed on use of technology and problem solving. Graphing calculators and their appropriate practical uses are incorporated into the course. This course would cover the same content as a regular Algebra 2 course with modifications to pace, presentation, and assessment methods and is seen as a senior level course for students that may have struggled in prior courses. TI-84 calculators are required for this course.
Grade Level: 12
Prerequisites: Algebra 2
First Semester 30040A (S1) AND Second Semester 30040B (S2)
Two Semester Required (FY)
Introductory Statistics will focus on experiential statistics with an inquiry based format, intended to give students an introduction to the practice of statistics. Topics will include how a statistician gathers, summarizes, and draws conclusions from data as well as basic inferential procedures in order for all students to become wise consumers of information.
TI-84 calculators are required for this course.
Grade Levels: 10, 11, 12
Prerequisite: Algebra 2
First Semester 30070A (S1) AND Second Semester 30070B (S2)
Two Semester Required (FY)
College Algebra, Trigonometry, and Statistics includes study of functions, specifically polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic. It will develop the trigonometric functions using a right triangle approach. Graphing and modeling techniques are emphasized throughout the course with discussions regarding parametric relations, conics, and the binomial theorem. In addition, time is spent studying descriptive statistics and modeling through both algebraic and regression methods.
Dual Credit: BSU Math 143/144
Grade Levels: 10, 11, 12
Prerequisite: A or B in Accelerated Algebra 2 or College Algebra, Trigonometry, and Statistics.
First Semester 30050A (S1) AND Second Semester 30050B (S2)
Two Semester Required (FY)
AP Precalculus will focus on modeling, symbolic manipulation, solving and describing characteristics for the many relation types throughout the course such as polynomial, rational, trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions as well as conic relations. Topics such as parametric relations, vectors, and matrices will also be studied. A research-based exploration of functions will be utilized to better prepare students for college-level calculus and provide grounding for other mathematics and science courses. TI-84 calculators are required for this course.
Grade Level: 11, 12
Prerequisite:A or B in College Algebra, Trigonometry, and Statistics or Precalculus
First Semester 30230A (S1) AND Second Semester 30230B (S2)
Two Semester Required (FY)
Dual Credit: BSU Math 254
AP Statistics is a study of data analysis, experimental design, probability as it relates to statistical inference, and the practice of data gathering and evaluation of statistical inference in an elementary statistics setting. It is activity based and incorporates use of graphing calculators and computers. TI-84 calculators are required for this course. Students have the option to take the Advanced Placement Exam and/or enroll in the Concurrent Enrollment Program through Boise State University.
Grade Levels: 11, 12
Prerequisite: A or B in Precalculus
First Semester 30210A (S1) AND Second Semester 30210B (S2)
Two Semester Required (FY)
Dual Credit: BSU MATH 170
AP Calculus AB will provide qualified senior students with a college-level mathematics experience containing the topics included in a rigorous freshman college course. Included in the AP Calculus class will be coverage of functions, rates of change, limits, continuity, techniques of differentiation and integration, slope fields, real-life applications and complex problem solving. Graphing calculators will be required for use in this course. A TI-84 or TI-89 calculator is required. Students have the option to take the Advanced Placement® AB exam and/or to enroll in the Concurrent Enrollment Program through Boise State University.
Grade Levels: 11, 12
Prerequisite: A or B in AP Calculus AB
Second Semester 30220 (S2)
One Semester (S2)
AP Calculus BC will provide students with a college level mathematics experience reviewing topics from AP Calculus AB and containing topics contained in a rigorous second semester college Calculus course, including infinite sequences and series, parametric functions, polar functions, and vectors. Graphing Calculators are required for use in this course. A TI-84 or TI-89 calculator is required. Students have the option to take the Advanced Placement® Calculus BC Exam and/or to enroll in the Concurrent Enrollment Program through Boise State University. This course is only offered during the second semester.