Technology & Engineering
Technology & Engineering Department Philosophy
To a greater or lesser degree, all members of society are dependent upon the world of technology and engineering. Because of this reality, the Technology and Engineering Department at Bishop Kelly High School is committed to the belief that knowledge and skills in technology is vital to student success in college or in real-world employment. Our students are living in a world that is changing at a dramatic pace – a world that grows smaller with each passing day due to the advances of technology. To be without a command of these skills is to be at a disadvantage in today’s, as well as tomorrow’s,world. It is essential for all students to have the opportunity to explore, understand, and acquire the skills that will impact their lives.
The Core Tenants for Bishop Kelly’s technology requirements and associated courses are derived from the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Standards for Students which include:
- Empowered Learner - Students leverage technology to take an active role in choosing, achieving and demonstrating competency in their learning goals, informed by the learning sciences.
- Digital Citizen – Students recognize the rights, responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world, and they act and model in ways that are safe, legal and ethical.
- Knowledge Constructor - Students critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others.
- Innovative Designer - Students use a variety of technologies within a design process to identify and solve problems by creating new, useful or imaginative solutions.
- Computational Thinker – Students develop and employ strategies for understanding and solving problems in ways that leverage the power of technological methods to develop and test solutions.
- Creative Communicator - Students communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a variety of purposes using the platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital media appropriate to their goals.
- Global Collaborator – Students use digital tools to broaden their perspectives and enrich their learning by collaborating with others and working effectively in teams locally and globally.
To see the complete list of standards and indicators, visit
Computer Courses and Prerequisites
All students are required to have one Technology credit for high school graduation. These courses on pages 52 and 53 will all suffice to meet the graduation requirement.
Students who transfer to Bishop Kelly during the school year may use technology credits earned from their previous high school to fulfill their technology credit for graduation.
Grade Levels: 9, 10, 11, 12
First Semester 45011 (S1); Second Semester 45012 (S2)
Course Fee $15/semester
Digital Literacy is a beginning technology course that satisfies Idaho’s technology credit required for graduation. It is imperative that all students learn the basic skills of communication (email, Internet use, social media, and programming) as well as the increasingly complex nuances of using Artificial Intelligence ethically. Students will also encounter computer hardware, Microsoft Excel, Google Apps for Education, and many future technology trends. Digital Literacy is also designed to introduce students to the breadth of the computer science field through an exploration of engaging and accessible topics.
Rather than focusing the entire course on learning particular programming languages, the course is designed to focus on the conceptual ideas of computing and to help students understand why certain tools or languages might be utilized to solve particular problems. Some goals of Digital Literacy include developing in students the computational practices of algorithm development, and problem solving and programming within the context of problems that are relevant to the lives of today’s students. Students will be introduced to topics such as interface design, limits of computers, and societal and ethical issues.
Grade Levels: 9, 10, 11, 12
First Semester 45101 (S1)
Course Fee $15/semester
Introduction to Computer Programming is a one-semester class that introduces the student to programming, using the Java programming language. This course will focus on problem solving techniques, programming methodologies, software design processes, features of the Java programming language, simple data structures, algorithms, and responsible use of computer systems. Students will be able to design and implement simple computer-based solutions to problems in several application areas. Students will be able to interpret existing programs, their design, and their development. Students will also be introduced to software engineering principles and other skills necessary to be successful in a software career.
Grade Levels: 10, 11, 12
Prerequisite: Exploring Computer Science or Instructor Approval AND Demonstrated Achievement in Algebra 1 or Geometry
Second Semester 45142 (S2)
Course Fee $15/semester
Introduction to Computer Hardware is designed as a one-semester survey course of the hardware components of a computer system. Students will gain an understanding of the terms and concepts of the layered nature of the hardware components of computers, starting from the basic building blocks of transistors as switches to a functioning, simple computer system. The science behind each hardware layer of a computer will be taught through extensive use of problem solving in labs and projects. Through this style of learning, the students will be exposed to the art of engineering. Students will also gain an understanding of the many careers involved in the development of computer systems and what physical and social skills are needed to be successful in those careers.
Grade Levels: 10, 11, 12
Prerequisite: Computer Science Foundations or equivalence in other coursework and/or related experience, Geometry or concurrent enrollment with a grade of “B” or better.
First Semester 45210A (S1) AND Second Semester 45210B (S2)
Two Semesters (FY)
Course Fee $15/semester
AP Computer Science Principles introduces students to the foundational concepts of computer science and challenges them to explore how computing and technology can impact the world. With a unique focus on creative problem solving and real-world applications, AP Computer Science Principles prepares students for college and career. This course is equivalent to BSU CS-101. At the end of the prescribed number of course hours, students may take the AP Computer Science Principles exam for course units at most colleges and universities.
Key topics include: computational thinking practices, connecting computing, creating computational artifacts, abstracting, analyzing problems and artifacts, communicating, collaborating, creativity, abstraction, data and information, algorithms, programming, the internet and global impact.
Grade Levels: 10, 11, 12
First Semester 45200A (S1) AND Second Semester 45200B (S2)
Two Semesters (FY)
Course Fee $15/semester
The AP Computer Science A course is a tech-prep, computer programming course that prepares students for post secondary study in a high-demand occupation. The course emphasizes software development, problem analysis, programming methodology, documentation and testing, and an in-depth study of algorithms, data structures, and data abstractions. Students in the AP Computer Science A course use the Java programming language to learn and practice major computer science concepts and also work with a large program as they examine and explore various College Board case studies. At the end of the prescribed number of course hours, students may take the AP Computer Science A exam for course units at most colleges and universities.
Project Based Courses in Technology
Grade Levels: 9, 10, 11, 12
Prerequisite: Algebra 1 or Instructor Approval
First Semester 45021 (S1); Second Semester 45022 (S2)
Course Fee $15/semester
This project based course introduces students to basic web design using HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). The course does not require any prior knowledge of HTML or web design. Throughout the course, students are introduced to planning and designing effective web pages; implementing web pages by writing HTML and CSS code; enhancing web pages with the use of page layout techniques, text formatting, graphics, images, and multimedia; and producing a functional, multi-page website.
Grade Levels: 9, 10, 11, 12
Prerequisite: Algebra 1, Introduction to Web Design or Instructor Approval
First Semester 45031 (S1); Second Semester 45032 (S2)
Course Fee $15/semester
This project based course is the second course of a two-semester sequence covering the end-to-end development of web-based software for intranets and internets. This course emphasizes server-side development of enterprise applications. Topics include web servers, distributed network-based computing, handling client requests, server-side services, transmitting data using HTTP, database connectivity, security, and e-commerce. Programming languages and tools may include PHP, Rails and database storage using SQL or MySQL.
Grade Levels: 10, 11, 12
First Semester 45041 (S1); Second Semester 45042 (S2)
Course Fee $15/semester
In this project based course students will have options through digital curriculum to choose a programming language to learn while at the same time develop a web based project using that language. Available programming languages include Ruby on Rails, PHP, Python, and JavaScript.
Grade Levels: 10, 11, 12
Prerequisites: Introduction to Engineering
First Semester 10301 (S1); Second Semester 10302 (S2)
Course Fee $40/semester
Solidworks is a computer-aided design program specifically adopted by Bishop Kelly for use in all engineering and manufacturing courses as well as potential use in Art based projects. In this project based course, students will continue learning beyond the introduction to SolidWorks learned in Introduction to Engineering. The course uses the embedded tutorial included in the SolidWorks package and provides students with a path to Solidworks CSWA Mechanical Design certification.
Engineering/Technology Courses

* completing Intro to Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing Design I allows students to earn concurrent credit for NNU ENGR 1050-30 ENGINEERING CAD AND PROTOTYPING.
Grade Levels: 9, 10, 11, 12
Prerequisites: Geometry concurrent or higher.
First Semester 45121 (S1); Second Semester 45122 (S2)
Course Fee $40/semester
Dual Credit: NNU ENGR 1050*
Students become familiar with the traditional “big four” disciplines of engineering and the extensive array of career opportunities and engineering problems addressed within each discipline. A design process is presented as a structured method for approaching and developing solutions to a problem. Students develop an understanding of the purpose and practice of visual representations using technical sketching and drawing. Students will learn appropriate methods of making and recording measurements, including the use of dial calipers, as they come to understand the ideas of precision and accuracy of measurement and their implications on engineering design. Emphasis on using MS Excel or Google Sheets for statistical analysis of data. This unit introduces students to a variety of modeling methods used to represent systems, components, and processes in design. Computer modeling is introduced, and students use modeling software to create CAD models to represent simple objects in a virtual 3D environment. Student to 3D print an object they design. Geometric concepts are important in the appropriate application of geometric and dimensional relationships and constraints for effective use of three-dimensional computer modeling environments that employ parametric design functionality.
Concurrent enrollment available through Northwest Nazarene University. Students MUST take Intro to Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing Design I to apply for concurrent credit. Courses may be taken in different semesters.
Grade Levels: 9, 10, 11, 12
Recommended: Intro to Engineering or similar course
Prerequisite: Algebra 2 completed or concurrent
First Semester 45131 (S1)
Course Fee $40
This survey course exposes students to some of the major concepts that they will encounter in a postsecondary engineering course of study. Through problems that engage and challenge, students explore a broad range of engineering topics, including mechanisms, the strength of materials and structures, automation, and kinematics. Students will design/build/test competition VEX robots using VEX materials and components. One goal will be to compete in at least two VEX events before the end of the semester.
Grade Levels: 9, 10, 11, 12
Prerequisite: Intro to Engineering or similar course and concurrent with Geometry
First Semester 45301 (S1); Second Semester 45302 (S2)
Course Fee: $75/semester
Dual Credit: NNU ENGR 1050*
The course is intended as an introductory course for people who might be interested either in engineering or in machining. Machining refers to the process of taking a piece of metal and cutting or shaping it into a working device. This project-based class will teach students about basic machining operations, measurements, and calculations. Students will learn about different machines and tooling. They will be able to use blueprints to make devices that meet specifications. Students will also learn how to operate Computer Numerical Control (CNC) equipment. Concurrent enrollment available through NNU. Students MUST take Intro to Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing Design I to apply for concurrent credit. Application must be submitted after completion of both courses, see counselor for questions. Courses may be taken in different semesters.
Upon instructor approval and after successful completion of AMD I, students may apply to enroll in AMD II, III, IV, V, VI, and VII.
Grade Levels:11,12
Prerequisite: 2 Semesters of Advanced Manufacturing and Design
Recommended: Intro to Business
Application or Invitation Needed
First Semester 45381 (S1); Second Semester 45382 (S2)
Course Fee: $40/semester
This course is a student led and run program. Because of the advanced nature of this program, students must complete an application process or be invited to participate. Business Manufacturing is an applied skills course utilizing learning from Introduction to Engineering, Advanced Manufacturing and Design, Business knowledge, Art/ Design, Math and Speech courses. Students will meet with individuals to identify needs, using art techniques to design, then propose a solution. With approval they will do all the job costing, manufacturing, delivery, and invoicing for the proposed solution. Students can expect both teacher-led and student-led instruction utilizing group work and hands-on learning. Students will be expected to communicate, plan, and manufacture products as specified by clients. Students will solve real world situations and work through time constraints, problem solving, inventory management, point of sale, and learning how to meet the needs of the customers.
This is a Business model course in which students will be applying skills and experience from Intro to Business, or similar course, and Advanced Manufacturing and Design to complete projects on demand. Students will be expected to communicate business plans, market, plan and manufacture products as specified by clients. This is a project based course in which real world situations will arise and students will be working through time constraints, problem solving and learning how to meet the needs of the customers.