Report Cards & Grades
Report Cards & Grades
Class grades are reported at the middle and end of each semester. Semester grades are recorded on student’s permanent record. Individual graded reports are mailed home.
Grading System
Letter Grade
90 – 100
80 – 89
70 -79
60 – 69
below 60
Honor Points
Weighted GPA Points
The GPA (Grade Point Average) is computed using points. Add the points earned in each class, divide by the total number of classes and the result is the GPA. Weighted courses are AP and concurrent courses, as designated in the academic catalog.
Failure Notices
- Students who fail more than one class will be placed on academic probation.
- Students who fail a required course will have to make it up during a summer session, by correspondence course, or night school by the next school year.
- All arrangements for remediating a failure in a required course MUST be done after consultation with, and MUST be approved by a Bishop Kelly counselor.
Grade Reports/Progress Reports
Grades, which students earn for classes in which they are enrolled, are posted every two weeks. Final grades are calculated each semester. There are not quarter grades. Credits are awarded at the completion of each semester.
Failed Courses
Students are obligated to enroll in approved summer school classes or in approved correspondence courses to earn credit for courses failed during the regular school year. Exceptions to this rule may be granted when needed courses are not available through either of these programs. (Please refer to Repeat Courses.)

Infinite Campus
Parent Concerns-Recommended Procedures
Bishop Kelly High School seeks to foster open communication between students, parents, faculty and administration. When a situation arises involving instruction, grading, or discipline, the following procedure should be followed:
- The parent/student should have a conference with the concerned teacher or coach. This should be done “in-person” and as soon as possible.
- Should this conference fail to resolve the problem, parents should seek a conference with the student’s counselor.
- If problems persist, the parents should confer with the Administration.
- Parents and students may petition the Bishop Kelly Board of Governance, if they feel that they have not received a fair hearing.
It is hoped adherence to this procedure will bring about a successful solution to this concern and maintain a positive relationship among all of the concerned parties.
Bishop Kelly High School strives to handle concerns in a positive manner through open and honest communication.
Student Progress Conferences
Following the first and third quarter grading periods of each semester, parents will be provided with opportunities to access teachers for short meetings during Bishop Kelly’s school-wide Student Progress Conference sessions. Those parents wishing more extended opportunities to discuss student performance may do so by contacting an individual teacher or a school counselor.