English 12: Real -World Writing and Reading

English 12: Real -World Writing and Reading

English 12: Real -World Writing and Reading

Grade Level: 12
Prerequisite: English 11
First Semester 25040A (S1) AND Second Semester 25040B (S2)
Two Semester Required (FY)

The objective of English 12 is to cover a wider range of real-world writing strategies and purposes, culminating with an in depth senior thesis and presentation. As students are preparing to go beyond high school to pursue different areas of study or career paths, English 12 seeks to prepare students to write across multiple subjects. Additionally, students will engage in writing that will help them become, and continue to be, active and engaged citizens. The senior thesis is aimed at building research skills—such as identifying a topic, researching academic resources, synthesizing those sources, and combining writing modes—that will be necessary in a university setting. Finally, English 12 includes a combination of assigned and individually chosen contemporary and classic texts to nurture a love for reading that will ideally extend beyond a student’s time at BK.