French 4/5

French 4/5

French 4/5

Grade Levels: 10, 11, 12
Prerequisite: French 3 or Instructor Approval
First Semester 55040A (S1) AND Second Semester 55040B (S2)
Two Semesters (FY)

This course will continue the instruction of the French language through the method of TPRS—teaching proficiency through reading and storytelling. The goals of understanding and speaking the language will be continually emphasized through comprehensible input which allows the student to acquire the language efficiently and naturally. The skills of reading and writing in the French language will be greatly emphasized. During the class period, the target language will itself be used as the medium of instruction with translations given, usually in written form, as needed. At this level, students will read a wide-range of material in French, including articles, journals, poems, and novels that will be followed with a related essay or project to synthesize the information as well as perfect the use of the target language. To initiate the student into cultural awareness of daily life in France and other French-speaking areas of the world French films will be viewed, vocabulary acquired, quotes read, questions asked, discussions led, related projects completed, and essays written all with the intention of greater motivating students to acquire the French language.