United States History II: Hybrid*

United States History II: Hybrid*

United States History II: Hybrid*

Grade Level: 11
Prerequisite: Application / Teacher Approval Required
First Semester 40320A (S1) AND Second Semester 40320B (S2)
Two Semester Required (FY)

Hybrid US-History II is a two semester, full year, course, that fulfills the second of your two-year United States history requirement for graduation. Students will cover curriculum content in eight units of study beginning with the post Reconstruction, the Gilded Age, and ending with the close of the 20th century. As a hybrid course, students will complete the course online through the Bishop Kelly’s Learning Management System (LMS), Schoology. Students will meet with their BK instructor one day per week for face-to-face time. The instructor will also be available during scheduled office hours to meet the face-to-face needs of the course.

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