Yearbook Design*

Yearbook Design*

Yearbook Design*

Yearbook Design and Publication 1 is a full-year course designed to introduce students to both photo and written journalism in order to create a school yearbook for publication.  Students will learn principles of photography and photojournalism, as well as principles of graphic design.  Students will become skilled at using a DSLR camera and will use desktop publishing tools including Adobe Photoshop CC and Jostens online publishing program to design pages for the yearbook.

The primary goal of this course is to create a school yearbook for publication,  but  the secondary goal of the course is to reinforce the skills necessary for a successful publication, including working as part of a design team and learning to meet publication deadlines.  No prior yearbook or photography experience is required for Yearbook Design and Publication 1.

Additionally, students gain even more value from the experience if they are able to serve on the yearbook staff for multiple years. Students who take Yearbook Design and Publication 2 can advance to editor positions after one year on staff in Yearbook Design and Publication 1.  As an editor, students lead a team of other yearbook students  and oversee their pages, making editorial decisions on content, design, and page layouts.

Grade Levels: 10,11,12
Prerequisite: Instructor Approval/ Application required

First Semester 10420A (S1) AND Second Semester 10420B (S2)
Two Semesters (FY)

Grade Levels: 10,11,12
Prerequisite: Instructor Approval/ Application required

First Semester 10421A (S1) AND Second Semester 10421B (S2)
Two Semesters (FY)

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