Midyear report on BK 2021-22 School Objectives

Midyear report on BK 2021-22 School Objectives
As a reminder, we set four objectives for the school year. In assessing how we are doing against these objectives, we looked at three things: 1) our own analysis of our key metrics and initiatives; 2) parent survey on the fall semester; and, 3) faculty/staff survey on the fall semester. Here is a brief recap of what we learned, our assessment of our progress, and our priorities for the spring semester.
Strengthen a sense of belonging for each student
- Experience with community time overall positive with things to improve – students rated 4.0/5.0
- 70 communities formed each quarter and helped with mental health and sense of belonging
- Partnership Masses, Worship Wednesdays (Adoration and music at break) and student faith leaders formation
Areas for improvement and priorities for spring semester:
- Scheduling challenge for Community time
- Junior/Senior retreats
- Setting expectations for students with community time
- Inclusion initiatives
Each student achieves personal academic excellence
- Counseling department strengthened
- Counselors had over 2,000 visits with students, conducted parent nights and classroom presentations
- Onboarding for new students went well
- Academies ready to launch
- Improved Study Center structure and support
Areas for improvement and priorities for spring semester:
- Successful launch of BK Academies
- Writing Center success
- Parent easy access to current and timely counseling information
- Earlier intervention with struggling students
Strengthening the BK Way while managing enrollment growth
- Reintroduced the BK Way and Knights of the Week
- BK Parent Ambassadors volunteer program
- Began 2025 Master Plan process
Areas for improvement and priorities for spring semester:
- Safe and caring place – inclusion and belonging
- Community events – Pasta Festa, Mardi Gras and Irish Fest
- Complete Master Plan
Strengthen a sense of community, pride and school spirit
- Record crowds (and enthusiasm) at football games and Silent Knight
- 60% of students participating in fall activities
- Daily video announcements by student council recognizing student achievement and highlights
- Student pride through BK wear
- Record Frassati Food Drive
Areas for improvement and priorities for spring semester:
- Partner school nights
- Community building events – Pasta Festa, Irish Fest, Mardi Gras
- More student support of fellow students
- Spring activities participation
Parent Survey on fall semester (240 respondents)
- Rating your child’s overall educational experience – 83/100
- Satisfaction with decisions BK Administration made – 83/100
- How did BK do in keeping students, faculty/staff safe and healthy – 85/100
- Rating the quality and effectiveness of BK communication – 89/100
- Feedback and comments
- Great job/gratitude/child had a great experience (47 mentions)
- Bring masks back (18 mentions)
- Community time was very helpful for my child (12 mentions)
- Thanks for balancing school, sports, helping kids connect, flexibility (10 mentions)
- No mask mandate (9 mentions)
- More consistency ins schedules needed (7 mentions)
- Thank you for being a faith-filled school, focusing on faith development (6)
- Teachers need to be more proactive and communicate earlier when issues arise (5)
- Highest priorities for for spring semester
- Managing COVID/safety and health of students (60 mentions)
- Educational excellence/academic support (43 mentions)
- Building community/engaging students/belonging and connection (37 mentions)
- Spiritual growth/Catholic identity/Theology curriculum (20 mentions)
- Inclusion/positive culture and climate/kindness (17 mentions)
- Keep doing what you are doing (17 mentions)
- Social/emotional health of students (11 mentions)
We are grateful for your feedback and partnership. We feel we are on track to accomplish our four school objectives for the year and are committed to address issues that arose in the fall semester such that we can have a very successful school year for all – students, faculty/staff and parents!